Are you ready for that glow from the INSIDE out in just seven days? Do you feel tired and cranky most of the time? Do you hope that by changing your diet you’ll feel healthier, you'd lose weight, and the feelings of tiredness would go away? Start the journey to a healthier LIFESTYLE, instead of struggling through a diet with an end goal, only to fall back to square one once you've temporarily reached your goal. With this simple, easy-to-follow course you'll install the basic healthy cooking habits for beautiful skin, more energy, weight loss, happier mood and better digestion – and keep the momentum going long after that. In this 7-day course you'll learn: • How to cook beans from scratch • How to make tofu that actually tastes good • Basic knife skills • How to build a plant-based bowl with different flavors Much more! What're you waiting for? For the cost of a dinner for four nowadays, you can start the journey of a lifetime in just seven days! I’m 100% confident you will feel empowered, and more in control of your health!